Wiley IAS 2004: interpretation and application of international accounting and financial reporting standards /
Barry J. Epstein and Abbas Ali Mirza.
- 1st ed.
- New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, c2004
- 1,094 p. ; 23 cm.
At head of title: Wiley IAS 2003
Introduction to international accounting standards -- Balance sheet -- Income statement, statement of changes in equity, and statement of recognized gains and losses -- Cash flow statements -- Financial instruments--cash and receivables -- Inventory -- Revenue recognition, including construction contracts -- Property, plant, and equipment -- Intangible assets -- Interests in financial instruments, associates, joint ventures, and investments property -- Business combinations and consolidated financial statements -- Current liabilities, provisions, contingencies and events after the balance sheet date -- Financial instruments--long-term debt -- Leases -- Income taxes -- Employee benefits -- Stockholders' equity -- Earnings per share -- Interim financial reporting -- Segment reporting -- Accounting changes and correction of errors -- Foreign currency -- Related-party disclosures -- Specialized industry -- Inflation and hyperinflation -- Government grants -- First-time adoption of international finanicial reporting standards
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Accounting--Standards Financial statements--Standards International business enterprises--Accounting--Standards