Palencia del Burgo, Ramón.

Ele Actual : Libro del alumno / by Ramón Palencia del Burgo, Virgilio Borobio Carrera, Julio Javier Sánchez - Sebastopol, CA : O'Reilly, [2015] - x, 223 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Fundamentals of synthetic biology -- Fundamentals of biodesign -- Fundamentals of DNA engineering -- Fundamentals of bioethics -- Introduction to BioBuilder labs -- Eau that smell -- iTune device -- Picture this -- What a colorful world -- Golden bread -- Laboratory reagent and materials.

"[P]rovides open-access, modular, hands-on lessons in synthetic biology for secondary and post-secondary classrooms and laboratories"--Page [4] cover.

9788413180373 : 1,617.30

Spanish language --Textbooks for foreign speakers

468.2421 / P156E 2019