Computers and computing information resources directory :
Computers and computing information resources directory : a descriptive guide to approximately 6,000 live and print sources of information on general and specific applications of computers and data processing, including associations and user groups, consulting organizations, research organizations and university computer facilities, libraries and information centers, trade shows, exhibits, and association conventions online services and teleprocessing networks, directories, journals, and newsletters /cMartin Connors, editor, John Krol and Janice A. DeMaggio, associate editors
- Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., c1987
- x, 1271 p. ; 29 cm.
Includes indexes
Electronic data processing--Bibliography
Automatic Data Processing--Bibliography
R 016.004 / C738 1987
Includes indexes
Electronic data processing--Bibliography
Automatic Data Processing--Bibliography
R 016.004 / C738 1987