Desert puma : evolutionary ecology and conservation of an enduring carnivore /
Logan, Kenneth A.
Desert puma : evolutionary ecology and conservation of an enduring carnivore / Kenneth A. Logan and Linda L. Sweanor - Paperback: Island Press, 2001 - 463 p.; 23 cm.
Bibliography & index.
1559638672 : Free
Puma--New Mexico
Desert animals--New Mexico
599.75 / L831D 2001
Desert puma : evolutionary ecology and conservation of an enduring carnivore / Kenneth A. Logan and Linda L. Sweanor - Paperback: Island Press, 2001 - 463 p.; 23 cm.
Bibliography & index.
1559638672 : Free
Puma--New Mexico
Desert animals--New Mexico
599.75 / L831D 2001