Electronic moviemaking /
Gross, Lynne S.
Electronic moviemaking / Lynne S. Gross, Larry W. Ward. - 4th ed. - Belmont, C.A. : Wadsworth, c2000 - viii , 296 p. : ill. , tables ; 28 cm. - Wadsworth serice in television and film. .
Bibnliography & index.
Video recordings--Production and direction
Electronic cameras--Production and direction
Cinemattography--Production and direction
Motion Pictures--Production and Direction
778.523 / G878E 2000
Electronic moviemaking / Lynne S. Gross, Larry W. Ward. - 4th ed. - Belmont, C.A. : Wadsworth, c2000 - viii , 296 p. : ill. , tables ; 28 cm. - Wadsworth serice in television and film. .
Bibnliography & index.
Video recordings--Production and direction
Electronic cameras--Production and direction
Cinemattography--Production and direction
Motion Pictures--Production and Direction
778.523 / G878E 2000