Genba no nihongo : Hataraku gakukokujin no tame no nihongo komyunikeshon. Oyohen. /

Genba no nihongo : Hataraku gakukokujin no tame no nihongo komyunikeshon. Oyohen. / Kaigai Sangyō and Jinzai Ikusei Kyōkai. - Tokyo : Suri e nettowaku, 2021 - 111 p. ; 26 cm.

Genba no Nihongo is a textbook series targeted to those students with some knowledge of Japanese who are seeking to work in Japan. Hence, this book series approach business Japanese. This is the first book of this series, publishers recommend it to those students who have completed the first 13 lessons of Minna no Nihongo Elementary.

9784883198757 : 945

Japanese language--Study and teaching --Foreign speakers

495.6 / K13G 2021